Caring for Our Pets - General Pet Care
Our pets are our family. The love, care, and attention we give our pets is returned many times over. Our library of pet care tips and articles offer helpful information about caring for the much-loved, furry and stubborn little souls who share our lives.

Obesity in Dogs

How obesity in dogs can affect their health and well-being; tips on maintaining a healthy weight.

Assembling a Pet First Aid Kit

What to place in a first aid kit specifically meant for pets.

How to Rent With Pets

Tips on renting with pets - how to find and keep pet-friendly rental housing.

Beware Of "Lost Pet" Scams

Tips on the more common scams, meant to defraud grieving and heartbroken pet owners.

Caring For A Paralyzed Dog

What to expect, how to manage, quality of life issues and euthanasia.

Feeding Dehydrated Dog Food

The pros and cons of feeding dehydrated or freeze dried dog foods.

Litter Box Training: The Basics

How to train kittens and cats to use the litter box. Tips on location, size, type of box and litter.

No-Kill Shelters vs. "Kill" Shelters

Contentious debate over shelters that euthanize and those that don't.

Dental Sprays for Pets

Do dental sprays for dogs and cats really work? How they can be used as part of a dental cleaning routine.

Packing for Emergencies: Dog Disaster Supplies

A list of dog disaster supplies; items that pet owners should pack in case of emergency.

Caring For Your Pet In A Tough Economy

Smart strategies on how to save money on pet care in the long run.

Biting: Causes, Prevention, and Control

Tips on dog bite prevention: how to reduce the risk of a dog biting; avoidance and what to do if attacked.

Choosing The Right Veterinarian

Tips on choosing the right veterinarian; types of veterinary practices, specialties, and pet care services.

Steps To Take If Your Dog Is Lost

A list of steps to take if your dog is lost to help him come home quickly and safely.

Foods To Avoid Feeding Your Dog

A list of common foods that can be poisonous or dangerous for dogs to eat.

Massage Therapy For Pets

How massage therapy for pets can help improve their well-being; how to find a massage therapist.

5 Ideas for Dealing With The Loss Of A Pet

Ideas to help you grieve the loss of a pet; memorial ideas for your beloved pet.

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Tips on keeping your dog safe and healthy while enjoying a walk this winter.

Puppy Potty-Training Tips

Positive training tips on how to make house-training a puppy easier.

Housebreaking an Adult Dog

Tips on how to housetrain or housebreak an adult dog with consistency and praise.

People Who Don't Pick Up After Their Dogs

The hot-button issue of clean-up. Frustrated people tell their stories.

Responsible Pet Ownership

An overview of what responsible pet ownership entails for people with dogs and cats.

Normal Aging & Expected Changes in Older Cats

The types of physical and behavioral changes common in senior or geriatric cats.

How to Prevent a Lost Pet

Tips on how to keep your pet from escaping, getting lost or going missing.

Injuries Commonly Seen In Dogs

Creating a Designated Dog Potty Area

How to get your dog to go to the bathroom only in a designated part of the yard.

Why Do Dogs Bark?

The many reasons why dogs bark (no, they're not trying to annoy their owners or the neighbors!).

Why Regular Grooming is Important for Your Pet

The reasons why grooming is so important to the health of your pet; tips on choosing a pet groomer.

Fresh, Homemade Dog Cookies

An easy recipe that can be customized to suit your dog's tastes.

Hypoallergenic Dogs

Is there really such a thing as hypoallergenc dogs? Tips on how to minimize allergic flare-ups.

Healing from Pet Loss During the Holidays

Five ways to grieve, cope with, and start healing from pet loss during the holiday season.

What Is a Dog's Age in Human Years?

A chart that shows a dog's approximate age in human years, based on its size.